Thursday, October 24, 2013





Because, you know what? That's not love. That's not what defines love. 

I would like to share with you an experience, with the permission of the respective persons, I had last year that really taught me what love is:

It was Halloween and my good friend and roommate  and I had just finished getting ready for our Church's Halloween Party. She asked her fiance to take pictures of us. I can't remember the exact details, but whatever it was, resulted in them getting in a rather heated argument. The last thing I remember before going back into our apartment was her throwing her ring back at him. I was completely shocked as I sat on the couch thinking, "how could this happen? They're supposed to be the perfect couple. What's going to happen now?" I was so focused I barely noticed her run up to her room. Before I could think of what I could do to comfort her, he burst through the door, threw his backpack on the floor, and ran up to her and he did not come down until he was walking down the stairs, hand-in-hand with her, with that ring back on her finger. That right there...that's love. 

It's not about the glass slippers. It's not about the fireworks. It's not about the bells and whistles. 

It's about the work that it takes to get there. Love isn't easy

Now I don't want you to think that I don't believe in those things - the glass slippers, the fireworks, the whistles - because I do. I really, really do. Of course I get twitter-pated. Of course I get chills. Of course  I feel those sparks. But that's not what makes love happen. It's the opportunity to make it happen that creates it. 

There's an amazing song that beautifully explains what love should mean: 

Honestly...what more could you want? Because I know that I couldn't ask for anything greater.

"I want a love that takes my breath away
A love that’s full of surprises
I want a love that makes me realize what’s important in life
A love that’s real; that’s raw
I want a love where if my children were to walk in and see their parent’s dancing in the kitchen they roll their eyes but in their heads they know how lucky they are
A love that my children strive for
I want a love that makes me feel
A love that has made me learn to feel
I want a love where I know who I am
A love where I know who he is
I want a love that has taken time to built
A love that has and always will require work
I want a love that’s not afraid to talk
A love that talks despite the fear
I want a love that’s not afraid
A love that tries all
I want a love that has hardships and trials along the way
A love that builds our faith together
I want a love that’s full of love
A love that lasts into the eternities"
Written July 7, 2013
By Elisse Cook

You might think me to be a hopeless romantic - completely unrealistic. But I know I'm not. Despite what the world may tell me, I know I can have this kind of love. And I know that we all have the opportunity to as well. 

I want you to know that despite how scary love may seem, it can be the most amazing thing when it's worked for - when giving up isn't an option. question...why are we so scared of love? Why do we think we don't deserve love when, in reality, we do? Why do we seem to reject one of the greatest powers and feelings out there? 

Avec Amour, 



  1. I really like the story of your roommate! Point proven! I agree, be a realistic romantic!
