Sunday, September 22, 2013

Reality Check

This week was a tad more challenging than I was hoping it would be. Despite all of that, I was able to learn a little bit more about myself. I had learned some upsetting news earlier on in the week and after having a small upset moment, I was okay again. It was just another bridge I had to get over. However, today hit me with a reality check like no other. There was no real warning, just sitting in Sunday School and, BAM, the news I had previously received sunk in and took over. Dane Cook (one of the greatest comedians - in my opinion) said, "we all have those days where we just need to cry." Today was one of those days. Not that it's a bad thing, but we need to let go - sometimes crying is the way to do it.

I sought after advice from a few friends and I gathered an overall theme - YOU ARE ENOUGH! And I just loved that. Because, you know what? I am enough. You are enough. For what? Anything. Everything. You. Will. Always. Be. Enough. Now the problem that is elicited from such a statement, is sometimes others don't see that about you. They think that they can find bettter. Or they don't try to really learn about how special you are. And if that's the case, forget them. They, obviously, don't know what they're missing out on. 

Because I recently brought up the topic of dating, I think that this is important information to keep in mind. When it comes to dating, we're going to have good and bad experiences. It's inevitable. In fact, I'm pretty sure that we signed a contract somewhere saying that we agree to the fact that dating is going to be hard - I think we're just all in denial that we signed it.

Now, sometimes these experiences are out of our control. For example, we can't control timing (dang that timing!). We can't control how someone is going to feel about us. We may not even be able to control how we feel about someone else. But what we can control is how we are going to respond to it. 

I would rather not get into details, but this trial I'm going through right now is not an easy one at all. It would be pretty easy to be cynical and just angry towards love or anything like it. But, where would that get me? It's hard to be vulnerable sometimes. I grew up thinking that I always had to be strong - and to let my guard down...that's not something I do very easily. Sure it could lead to some heartbreak, but it's better then sitting around and not knowing what that pain is like. Now that I know, I know I can and will get through it. 

Don't think I've had this "try-to-be-positive" outlook on it this whole time. 'Cause I haven't. It took a few people and a lot of praying to my Father in Heaven to help me try and find that silver lining. But you know what? I did. And you know what else? I'm okay. I'm actually really, really happy. Because even though this experience has kinda shattered my world, it gives me the chance to piece it back together the way I want it to be. Because I can choose how I'm going to react to it. I have the agency to do so. 

If there is anything that I've learned in life, it's that it doesn't matter what you're going through - how hard it is, or anything like that...there will always (and I mean ALWAYS) be something magical hidden somewhere inside it. We just need to be willing and open enough to look for it. 

And I hope that you can learn that as well; if you haven't already. 

One question I would like to pose - what are some insights you have received that have helped you get through some of the hardest dating situations? Don't feel like you have to go into detail about what happened, I would just love to learn some new techniques. 
So you...teach me some of your ways!

Avec Amour, 



  1. -There is no such thing as soulmates or only one person out there for us. We are in fact compatible with a lot of people. There are other fish in the sea.

    -Even though we may not want certain things to happen, later down the road when we look back, it makes sense and we can see the Lord's hand in it. It all works out the way it is supposed to.

  2. I liked that you mentioned that it is important to realize that you are in charge of how you react to a situation. A lot of people fail to realize or acknowledge that. Now onto my comment:
    I found that when you feel it is a good time to see how a significant other in your life feel about you then you need to take action and not beat around the bush. Don't make it awkward, but when you want to know then you need to step up to what can be a momentary frightening moment. It is a haunting thought to not know how the other feels and thinks, so you as might as well just ask (in the right way at the right time). Then if things don't work out you can be happy that you have clarified the situation and relationship. The next step is to not fall into despair, but have hope (even if it takes a while to get back into the 'scene' of dating).

  3. -Dating is like a fart, if you push too hard its probably crap.

  4. Whenever I've gone through difficult times in dating I usually get super upset and have way to much energy so I do what I have aptly named "ragersize" I take all my rage and go exercise like crazy.It helps calm me down a lot. That's just one thing. Another is just to keep reminding myself that I don't need whoever that was in my life, I was fine before them and I'll be fine after them too. It's a hard thing to grasp at first but it happens. Time is the ultimate healer here though.

    1. Thanks so much, Cody! I liked what you said about being fine before and after them. I guess we just forget that we had a life before them. It says something good on us because that means we were emotionally invested in the relationship. But, like what you said, we would be just as fine, if not better, even after they're out of our lives.
